How to stop translating and start THINKING IN ENGLISH!

19 Oct

with a little effort it can be possible!

The FUTURE of Learning

English brainThis is every ESL students dream, and one of the most important steps in learning a new language. To think in that language means you have really ‘got it’.   But how can you start training your brain to do this?

Let’s first look at some scientific facts.  Research has shown that in fact no one ‘thinks in a language’, they ‘think in ideas’, and ideas are the same everywhere. So that means all of us are starting from the same place, no matter where in the world we come from, inside our heads, it’s all the same. Phew, that’s a relief….

Secondly what thinking in a language really means is ‘communicating your idea verbally into a spoken language’, and usually the spoken language of choice is your own native language. That’s understandable.

But the third and most important thing is to understand that when we are coming up with an…

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